Sovereign Foods export program is alive and well! Some of the really exciting happenings are highlighted below.

Despite the severe restrictions the COVID – 19 pandemic has placed on international trade, Sovereign Foods is proud to say that we not only continued the supply of product to our United Arab Emirates (UAE) customer base, but we  have also successfully secured the supply of poultry to three new customers in the UAE. One of these customers is the largest supplier of poultry to a very well developed retail sector in Dubai. The other two new customers have a very strong presence in the food services sector.  As I am sure you can imagine the UAE has a very large consumption per capita of poultry. This makes the securing of supply to these reputable companies even more exciting. Sovereign is also in negotiation with a potential fourth new customer, and if successful this would stimulate the growth of export business even further.

To complement the above, Sovereign is no longer only limited to the Port of Jebel Ali (main port in Dubai), but Sovereign now has the ability to gain access to all seven emirates in the UAE. This results in making its product offering more cost competitive as it reduces the cost of transport.

Sovereign Foods has also started to supply a customer in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Sovereign sees the DRC as an opportunity to expand its export product portfolio as the product requirement is different to the current basket supplied to the Middle East.

During the month of May Sovereign Foods will commission it’s brand new Further Processing Facility in Uitenhage. Once fully operational the facility will have the ability to produce in excess of 2,000 tons per month of fully cooked and coated products. This is double the existing facility’s capacity. Products produced by the new plant will include both boneless and bone-in, as well as breaded, crumbed and un-coated products.

Sovereign has been supplying two specific customers in the UAE with its cooked and coated Chicken’tizer brand for several years. Volumes have unfortunately been limited. With the commissioning of the new facility Sovereign is really excited about ramping up production and supply to not only these customers, but to additional customers throughout the Gulf Co-Operation Council (GCC) group of countries.

Over the years Sovereign has found that the quality of its Further Processed Product is as good, or even better than its international competition. In addition to superior quality Sovereign has found that we are also cost competitive. The new plant therefore has a strong foundation to increase the supply to Sovereign’s Middle Eastern export customers.